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What is the problem?

We know that mental health is one of the most neglected areas of public health worldwide. In Uganda, an estimated 35% of the population live with a mental health condition, and yet access to mental health care and support especially for young people is still limited, with no investment in community mental health services.

Stigma, discrimination, and violation of human rights of those affected by mental health challenges are still widespread. In some communities, mental health problems are considered a punishment from God, witchcraft or bad luck  and the treatment methods often involve prayer, violence, isolation and exclusion from both family and society at large. 

We are therefore working to change the way people think and act about mental health challenges by promoting understanding, empathy, and acceptance, reducing stigma, and fostering supportive environments for young people to thrive mentally.

Our intervention areas include:

Breaking the stigma begins with our commitment to educating ourselves about mental health and openly sharing our personal struggles. By fostering understanding and sharing our experiences, we contribute to dismantling misconceptions surrounding mental health. Click here to learn more.

At the heart of our commitment is the empowerment of the stakeholders that we work with. We enhance the capabilities of Village Health Teams (VHTs), youth and student leaders, teachers, and service user groups in communities to actively advocate for, participate in, and influence community mental health governance and delivery. Learn more

The key advantage of peer support in mental health lies in its ability to foster a unique and empathetic connection. Peers, who have experienced similar challenges, can offer understanding, validation, and shared coping strategies that professionals may not possess. You are in Uganda and want to join a group, send us a note here

Livelihood support and strengthening for people living with mental health conditions provide a pathway to increased independence, self-esteem, and social inclusion, fostering a holistic approach to their well-being. Learn more

If you’d like more information about our work, get in touch today.

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