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Our Voice 256 Reloaded

Bold, unapologetic, and community-centered approach to destigmatizing mental health care and support.

Our Voice 256 Reloaded 

Our Voice 256 Reloaded is an innovation by Twogere that seeks to end mental health stigma and discrimination. We bring people with lived experience of mental health problems (champions) into everyday spaces such as high traffic streets around Kampala, markets and other public spaces.


Our champions use a megaphone (commonly known as "mwekalakasa") in Uganda to speak out, sharing their personal stories to spark open conversations about mental health.

What makes this approach unique is its spontaneity and authenticity. There are no planned events or stages. Our champions simply show up, uses the megaphone to amplify their voices, and engages the public directly on important topics like mental health, stigma, and seeking help. It's all about creating a safe space for real, honest dialogue in everyday settings

How Does it Work?

Megaphone Protestor


We train the champions on how they can safely share their stories.


Trained champions hit the streets with megaphones to engage people about mental health drawing from their own experiences.


While engaging, our champions and their supervisor reflect on each conversation, document feedback and recommendations for continuous learning.

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